Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Top 100 best advertising slogans ever

Top 100 best advertising slogans ever:

1.      For successful living (Diesel)
2.      Hello, boys! (Wonderbra)
3.      Impossible is nothing (Adidas)
4.     Just do it (Nike)
5.      Lifts and separates (Playtex)
6.     Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline (Maybelline)
7.      I am what I am (Reebok)
8.      Because you are worth it (L’Oreal)
9.      Eat fresh! (Subway)
10.    Beanz meanz Heinz (Heinz)
11.    Once you pop you can’t stop (Pringles)
12.    America Runs on Dunkin (Dunkin Donuts)
13.    Got milk? (MilkPEP)
14.    Good to the last drop (Maxwell House)
15.    It’s all about you (Nescafe)

Tuesday, 28 October 2014


Advertising slogans in everyday life

Advertising has become the part of present-day life. From everywhere around us, advertisements of diverse types attack our privacy. In spite of it, there is an attractive power, which is able to manipulate the consumer; an invisible voice of advertisement advocates, encourages, asks, announces and deeply embeds into peoples’ minds.
But have you even thought about what the advertising slogan is?
Advertising slogans are short, memorable group of words used in advertising campaigns. The advertising phrases are means of drawing attention to one distinctive feature. When written well, a slogan instantly evokes emotions and ideas and associates them with a brand. Good slogans are also easily remembered and can become part of the cultural landscape of a society.
Nowadays copywriters are trying to identify how slogans should be built to be succesful. However, how slogan could be succesful?
Good slogan should meet the folowing criteria: