Saturday 6 December 2014



Wednesday 26 November 2014

A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase. When it is written well, a slogan evokes emotions and ideas and associates them with a brand.  Slogans are used with the brand name and logo of a product or service.
There are 4 main secrets that cooperators use while creating slogans. Look and choose slogan which you think is the best.
The number of words in slogan is usually strikes the eye. But how many words should slogan contain for its better memorizing? To identify that is the aim of this research. The object of analyses is 108 advertising slogans. To undertake this study, we need to share all the slogans in groups, corresponding to the number of words that they contain.
   Since the slogan is a highly concentrated text with a minimum of words and a maximum of thought, he must comply with the incentive function, its drafting dictates concise and the presence of linguistic unit, i.e., we are talking about the presence of emotional function.
The aim of analyses was to prove that in slogans dominate imperative sentences or to refute this hypothesis. The object of analyzing is 108 advertising slogans. The method of analyses is to distribute slogans into 5 groups: declarative, exclamative, interrogative, imperative sentences and combination of words.
In order to investigate the level of knowledge on the topic of this specific work among citizen of Belarus, the questionnaire was carried out. The subjects were people of different ages, genders, places of living, learning or having learnt English. Among them where 12 women and 8 man.
The aim of this survey is to investigate morphological characteristics of advertising slogans in general and the presence of certain parts of speech in particular. The survey was based on the most current to date advertising slogans that appear in the mass media. In the survey slogans were located in random strands. There were no special pre-listening tasks for the audience but after the listening students were told to say 3-5 words from the slogans. The words were fixed and used as a material for the research.
The materials of questionnaire are presented in Table 1.

The aim of this analysis is to prove, that the research is relevant nowadays. Within the gymnasium best slogan competition in honor of its anniversary two different workshops were held. Two classes were involved in this analysis. Each class had its own workshop. The difference between them was that one of them contained the research results and the information about creating slogans and the other one didn’t. After listening to the information students were told to create slogans for our gymnasium. They were given 5 minutes for this task. Then the slogans were collected and used as a material for the analysis.
The materials of analysis are presented in Table 1.